This week has been a week of post surgery firsts.
Everyone is different when it comes to recovery. I spoke to my surgeon's and I researched how long after surgery can I
Go to the gym
I was told a minimum of 6 weeks.
There is no real answer I guess. You just have to wait. When you feel you can do certains things, that's the time to try.
My main concern has been the lack of feeling in my right side and how it would/will effect my running, am I going to trip, turn an ankle or just do a spectacular face plant?
Non of the above happened.
I was asked by a mate if I fancied helping him laying a patio for a customer of his and being keen to get out of the house and knowing the "6 week recommended recovery time" was finished, i jumped at the chance.

A couple of tons of sand and ballast to Barrow and a ton of paving slabs to lug about.
I've never appreciated a couple of days work so much before.
Now remembering that I have done nothing for 6 weeks except sit around with my feet up thinking I couldn't do anything, every muscle in my body was screaming at me, but I felt strong. In both body and mind. I finally felt I was turning a corner in my recovery.
I of course had a few wobbles while trying to move wheel Barrows of cement about but that was to be expected and how I didn't drop any, 🤷♂️
One thing was certain, I am a lot more capable than I thought I was.
After day one of grafting it was suggested that if I could do a day's work then I could probably run again (if I took it easy). I thought about it for about 10 seconds before agreeing to be picked up for a run the following morning. I love having close friends who share my passion for running.

The barrier was well and truly down.
It wasn't a spectacular run and I had to walk a little bit but I was finally running again and it felt great.
I never made it to the gym last week. Perhaps a lack of confidence or perhaps I was still under the illusion that I couldn't.
But now I feel unstoppable.
So what's next treatment wise?
I got a call from the hospital with an appointment for my planning process for treatment to start which is next week so I guess radiotheropy is coming very soon.
I need to have a mask made and have a CT scan done so they can start planning exactly how to zap my brain 🧠

It looks like something out of a horror movie and I'm not really sure what it's for. I think it's like a grid so they know where to zap. I'll find out on Wednesday I suppose.
5 days a week for 6 weeks of zapping. I'm hoping it doesn't cause to much in the way of side effects as it would be a shame to have another 6 weeks sitting on my arse not being able to do anything. I will try and run and maybe even get in the gym but I'm not going to know until it starts. 🤞
One thing I have learnt this week is that MOST restrictions are in your head.
Now I'm not saying that you can go out and do everything you used too after surgery or an illness but until you try, you will never know. You have to get out there and learn where your new limits are, and believe me, there will be new limits.
You have to adapt and overcome.
I have been getting my motivation not only from friends and family but also by watching and reading up about 2 people doing extraordinary challenges.
William Goodge, attempting his World record, running across America.
Running 60 miles a day. Day after day.
And Russ Cook. Attempting to be the first person to run the entire length of Africa.
Both very inspirational people.
Don't worry, this isn't the start of some mad challenge I intend to follow but I find these things very cool. If had the time or money then perhaps I might consider something.
I have talked for sometime about running across Mongolia 🇲🇳. So maybe one day I will sit down and plan that. Who knows what the future holds.
You keep doing what you are doing Mark , you are doing remarkable and I applaud you for being so resilient lots of love ❤️ April